In preparation for Old Hungarian (Rovasiras) I made this beta hacked version of Yudit to test rendering. Currently there are two proposals for this script, Michael Everson's and Hosszu Gabor's proposal. From Unicode's point of view I personaly like the M.Everson's proposal, but historically Unicode's rules has been bended before so I can't predict the future. In this beta I assigned 10C00..10FFF area as a strict Right-To-Left area for this script. I added two true type fonts for default fontset: rovasSMP.ttf (Hosszu) ohunSMP.ttf (Michael Everson) Thes fonts can be placed in ~/.yudit/fonts (linux) or C:\Program Files\Yudit\font Currently I support ZWJ ligatures for this script with 'liga' and 'rlig' OpenType feature. Currently I do not expect any script tag in the font. In the future, I plan to add support for variation selectors for this script. Currently there is only one incomplete keymap (a,b,c,cs,cs.a,b.a) - Hosszu.kmap. You can edit this keymap in C:\Program Files\Yudit\src\Hosszu.kmap To compile the keymap on windows, exit Yudit, open a cmd window and cd C:\Program Files\Yudit\bin .\mytool -convert my -write ..\data\ -mys ..\src\Hosszu.mys -rmys ..\src\Hosszu.mys Gaspar Sinai Tokyo, 2008-08-23