/* This file contains definitions for deprecated features. When you deprecate something, move it here when that is feasible. */ /* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #define SCM_BUILDING_DEPRECATED_CODE #include "libguile/_scm.h" #include "libguile/async.h" #include "libguile/arrays.h" #include "libguile/array-map.h" #include "libguile/generalized-arrays.h" #include "libguile/bytevectors.h" #include "libguile/bitvectors.h" #include "libguile/deprecated.h" #include "libguile/deprecation.h" #include "libguile/snarf.h" #include "libguile/validate.h" #include "libguile/strings.h" #include "libguile/srfi-13.h" #include "libguile/modules.h" #include "libguile/eval.h" #include "libguile/smob.h" #include "libguile/procprop.h" #include "libguile/vectors.h" #include "libguile/hashtab.h" #include "libguile/struct.h" #include "libguile/variable.h" #include "libguile/fluids.h" #include "libguile/ports.h" #include "libguile/eq.h" #include "libguile/read.h" #include "libguile/r6rs-ports.h" #include "libguile/strports.h" #include "libguile/smob.h" #include "libguile/alist.h" #include "libguile/keywords.h" #include "libguile/socket.h" #include "libguile/feature.h" #include "libguile/uniform.h" #if (SCM_ENABLE_DEPRECATED == 1) /* From print.c: Internal symbol names of isyms. Deprecated in guile 1.7.0 on * 2004-04-22. */ char *scm_isymnames[] = { "#@" }; SCM_REGISTER_PROC(s_substring_move_left_x, "substring-move-left!", 5, 0, 0, scm_substring_move_x); SCM_REGISTER_PROC(s_substring_move_right_x, "substring-move-right!", 5, 0, 0, scm_substring_move_x); SCM scm_wta (SCM arg, const char *pos, const char *s_subr) { if (!s_subr || !*s_subr) s_subr = NULL; if ((~0x1fL) & (long) pos) { /* error string supplied. */ scm_misc_error (s_subr, pos, scm_list_1 (arg)); } else { /* numerical error code. */ scm_t_bits error = (scm_t_bits) pos; switch (error) { case SCM_ARGn: scm_wrong_type_arg (s_subr, 0, arg); case SCM_ARG1: scm_wrong_type_arg (s_subr, 1, arg); case SCM_ARG2: scm_wrong_type_arg (s_subr, 2, arg); case SCM_ARG3: scm_wrong_type_arg (s_subr, 3, arg); case SCM_ARG4: scm_wrong_type_arg (s_subr, 4, arg); case SCM_ARG5: scm_wrong_type_arg (s_subr, 5, arg); case SCM_ARG6: scm_wrong_type_arg (s_subr, 6, arg); case SCM_ARG7: scm_wrong_type_arg (s_subr, 7, arg); case SCM_WNA: scm_wrong_num_args (arg); case SCM_OUTOFRANGE: scm_out_of_range (s_subr, arg); case SCM_NALLOC: scm_memory_error (s_subr); default: /* this shouldn't happen. */ scm_misc_error (s_subr, "Unknown error", SCM_EOL); } } return SCM_UNSPECIFIED; } /* Module registry */ /* We can't use SCM objects here. One should be able to call SCM_REGISTER_MODULE from a C++ constructor for a static object. This happens before main and thus before libguile is initialized. */ struct moddata { struct moddata *link; char *module_name; void *init_func; }; static struct moddata *registered_mods = NULL; void scm_register_module_xxx (char *module_name, void *init_func) { struct moddata *md; scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_register_module_xxx' is deprecated. Use extensions instead."); /* XXX - should we (and can we) DEFER_INTS here? */ for (md = registered_mods; md; md = md->link) if (!strcmp (md->module_name, module_name)) { md->init_func = init_func; return; } md = (struct moddata *) malloc (sizeof (struct moddata)); if (md == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "guile: can't register module (%s): not enough memory", module_name); return; } md->module_name = module_name; md->init_func = init_func; md->link = registered_mods; registered_mods = md; } SCM_DEFINE (scm_registered_modules, "c-registered-modules", 0, 0, 0, (), "Return a list of the object code modules that have been imported into\n" "the current Guile process. Each element of the list is a pair whose\n" "car is the name of the module, and whose cdr is the function handle\n" "for that module's initializer function. The name is the string that\n" "has been passed to scm_register_module_xxx.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_registered_modules { SCM res; struct moddata *md; res = SCM_EOL; for (md = registered_mods; md; md = md->link) res = scm_cons (scm_cons (scm_from_locale_string (md->module_name), scm_from_ulong ((unsigned long) md->init_func)), res); return res; } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM_DEFINE (scm_clear_registered_modules, "c-clear-registered-modules", 0, 0, 0, (), "Destroy the list of modules registered with the current Guile process.\n" "The return value is unspecified. @strong{Warning:} this function does\n" "not actually unlink or deallocate these modules, but only destroys the\n" "records of which modules have been loaded. It should therefore be used\n" "only by module bookkeeping operations.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_clear_registered_modules { struct moddata *md1, *md2; SCM_CRITICAL_SECTION_START; for (md1 = registered_mods; md1; md1 = md2) { md2 = md1->link; free (md1); } registered_mods = NULL; SCM_CRITICAL_SECTION_END; return SCM_UNSPECIFIED; } #undef FUNC_NAME void scm_remember (SCM *ptr) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_remember' is deprecated. " "Use the `scm_remember_upto_here*' family of functions instead."); } SCM scm_protect_object (SCM obj) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_protect_object' is deprecated. " "Use `scm_gc_protect_object' instead."); return scm_gc_protect_object (obj); } SCM scm_unprotect_object (SCM obj) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_unprotect_object' is deprecated. " "Use `scm_gc_unprotect_object' instead."); return scm_gc_unprotect_object (obj); } SCM_SYMBOL (scm_sym_app, "app"); SCM_SYMBOL (scm_sym_modules, "modules"); static SCM module_prefix = SCM_BOOL_F; static SCM make_modules_in_var; static SCM beautify_user_module_x_var; static SCM try_module_autoload_var; static void init_module_stuff () { if (scm_is_false (module_prefix)) { module_prefix = scm_list_2 (scm_sym_app, scm_sym_modules); make_modules_in_var = scm_c_lookup ("make-modules-in"); beautify_user_module_x_var = scm_c_lookup ("beautify-user-module!"); try_module_autoload_var = scm_c_lookup ("try-module-autoload"); } } static SCM scm_module_full_name (SCM name) { init_module_stuff (); if (scm_is_eq (SCM_CAR (name), scm_sym_app)) return name; else return scm_append (scm_list_2 (module_prefix, name)); } SCM scm_make_module (SCM name) { init_module_stuff (); scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_make_module' is deprecated. " "Use `scm_c_define_module instead."); return scm_call_2 (SCM_VARIABLE_REF (make_modules_in_var), scm_the_root_module (), scm_module_full_name (name)); } SCM scm_ensure_user_module (SCM module) { init_module_stuff (); scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_ensure_user_module' is deprecated. " "Use `scm_c_define_module instead."); scm_call_1 (SCM_VARIABLE_REF (beautify_user_module_x_var), module); return SCM_UNSPECIFIED; } SCM scm_load_scheme_module (SCM name) { init_module_stuff (); scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_load_scheme_module' is deprecated. " "Use `scm_c_resolve_module instead."); return scm_call_1 (SCM_VARIABLE_REF (try_module_autoload_var), name); } /* This is implemented in C solely for SCM_COERCE_OUTPORT ... */ static void maybe_close_port (void *data, SCM port) { SCM except_set = PTR2SCM (data); while (!scm_is_null (except_set)) { SCM p = SCM_COERCE_OUTPORT (SCM_CAR (except_set)); if (scm_is_eq (p, port)) return; except_set = SCM_CDR (except_set); } scm_close_port (port); } SCM_DEFINE (scm_close_all_ports_except, "close-all-ports-except", 0, 0, 1, (SCM ports), "[DEPRECATED] Close all open file ports used by the interpreter\n" "except for those supplied as arguments. This procedure\n" "was intended to be used before an exec call to close file descriptors\n" "which are not needed in the new process. However it has the\n" "undesirable side effect of flushing buffers, so it's deprecated.\n" "Use port-for-each instead.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_close_all_ports_except { SCM p; SCM_VALIDATE_REST_ARGUMENT (ports); for (p = ports; !scm_is_null (p); p = SCM_CDR (p)) SCM_VALIDATE_OPPORT (SCM_ARG1, SCM_COERCE_OUTPORT (SCM_CAR (p))); scm_c_port_for_each (maybe_close_port, SCM2PTR (ports)); return SCM_UNSPECIFIED; } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM_DEFINE (scm_variable_set_name_hint, "variable-set-name-hint!", 2, 0, 0, (SCM var, SCM hint), "Do not use this function.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_variable_set_name_hint { SCM_VALIDATE_VARIABLE (1, var); SCM_VALIDATE_SYMBOL (2, hint); scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("'variable-set-name-hint!' is deprecated. Do not use it."); return SCM_UNSPECIFIED; } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM_DEFINE (scm_builtin_variable, "builtin-variable", 1, 0, 0, (SCM name), "Do not use this function.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_builtin_variable { SCM_VALIDATE_SYMBOL (1,name); scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`builtin-variable' is deprecated. " "Use module system operations instead."); return scm_sym2var (name, SCM_BOOL_F, SCM_BOOL_T); } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM scm_makstr (size_t len, int dummy) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("'scm_makstr' is deprecated. Use 'scm_c_make_string' instead."); return scm_c_make_string (len, SCM_UNDEFINED); } SCM scm_makfromstr (const char *src, size_t len, int dummy SCM_UNUSED) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_makfromstr' is deprecated. " "Use `scm_from_locale_stringn' instead."); return scm_from_locale_stringn (src, len); } SCM scm_internal_with_fluids (SCM fluids, SCM values, SCM (*cproc) (), void *cdata) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_internal_with_fluids' is deprecated. " "Use `scm_c_with_fluids' instead."); return scm_c_with_fluids (fluids, values, cproc, cdata); } SCM scm_make_gsubr (const char *name, int req, int opt, int rst, SCM (*fcn)()) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_make_gsubr' is deprecated. Use `scm_c_define_gsubr' instead."); return scm_c_define_gsubr (name, req, opt, rst, fcn); } SCM scm_make_gsubr_with_generic (const char *name, int req, int opt, int rst, SCM (*fcn)(), SCM *gf) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_make_gsubr_with_generic' is deprecated. " "Use `scm_c_define_gsubr_with_generic' instead."); return scm_c_define_gsubr_with_generic (name, req, opt, rst, fcn, gf); } SCM scm_create_hook (const char *name, int n_args) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("'scm_create_hook' is deprecated. " "Use 'scm_make_hook' and 'scm_c_define' instead."); { SCM hook = scm_make_hook (scm_from_int (n_args)); scm_c_define (name, hook); return hook; } } SCM_DEFINE (scm_sloppy_memq, "sloppy-memq", 2, 0, 0, (SCM x, SCM lst), "This procedure behaves like @code{memq}, but does no type or error checking.\n" "Its use is recommended only in writing Guile internals,\n" "not for high-level Scheme programs.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_sloppy_memq { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("'sloppy-memq' is deprecated. Use 'memq' instead."); for(; scm_is_pair (lst); lst = SCM_CDR(lst)) { if (scm_is_eq (SCM_CAR (lst), x)) return lst; } return lst; } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM_DEFINE (scm_sloppy_memv, "sloppy-memv", 2, 0, 0, (SCM x, SCM lst), "This procedure behaves like @code{memv}, but does no type or error checking.\n" "Its use is recommended only in writing Guile internals,\n" "not for high-level Scheme programs.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_sloppy_memv { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("'sloppy-memv' is deprecated. Use 'memv' instead."); for(; scm_is_pair (lst); lst = SCM_CDR(lst)) { if (! scm_is_false (scm_eqv_p (SCM_CAR (lst), x))) return lst; } return lst; } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM_DEFINE (scm_sloppy_member, "sloppy-member", 2, 0, 0, (SCM x, SCM lst), "This procedure behaves like @code{member}, but does no type or error checking.\n" "Its use is recommended only in writing Guile internals,\n" "not for high-level Scheme programs.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_sloppy_member { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("'sloppy-member' is deprecated. Use 'member' instead."); for(; scm_is_pair (lst); lst = SCM_CDR(lst)) { if (! scm_is_false (scm_equal_p (SCM_CAR (lst), x))) return lst; } return lst; } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM_SYMBOL (scm_end_of_file_key, "end-of-file"); SCM_DEFINE (scm_read_and_eval_x, "read-and-eval!", 0, 1, 0, (SCM port), "Read a form from @var{port} (standard input by default), and evaluate it\n" "(memoizing it in the process) in the top-level environment. If no data\n" "is left to be read from @var{port}, an @code{end-of-file} error is\n" "signalled.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_read_and_eval_x { SCM form; scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("'read-and-eval!' is deprecated. Use 'read' and 'eval' instead."); form = scm_read (port); if (SCM_EOF_OBJECT_P (form)) scm_ithrow (scm_end_of_file_key, SCM_EOL, 1); return scm_eval_x (form, scm_current_module ()); } #undef FUNC_NAME /* Call thunk(closure) underneath a top-level error handler. * If an error occurs, pass the exitval through err_filter and return it. * If no error occurs, return the value of thunk. */ #ifdef _UNICOS typedef int setjmp_type; #else typedef long setjmp_type; #endif struct cce_handler_data { SCM (*err_filter) (); void *closure; }; static SCM invoke_err_filter (void *d, SCM tag, SCM args) { struct cce_handler_data *data = (struct cce_handler_data *)d; return data->err_filter (SCM_BOOL_F, data->closure); } SCM scm_call_catching_errors (SCM (*thunk)(), SCM (*err_filter)(), void *closure) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("'scm_call_catching_errors' is deprecated. " "Use 'scm_internal_catch' instead."); { struct cce_handler_data data; data.err_filter = err_filter; data.closure = closure; return scm_internal_catch (SCM_BOOL_T, (scm_t_catch_body)thunk, closure, (scm_t_catch_handler)invoke_err_filter, &data); } } long scm_make_smob_type_mfpe (char *name, size_t size, SCM (*mark) (SCM), size_t (*free) (SCM), int (*print) (SCM, SCM, scm_print_state *), SCM (*equalp) (SCM, SCM)) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("'scm_make_smob_type_mfpe' is deprecated. " "Use 'scm_make_smob_type' plus 'scm_set_smob_*' instead."); { long answer = scm_make_smob_type (name, size); scm_set_smob_mfpe (answer, mark, free, print, equalp); return answer; } } void scm_set_smob_mfpe (long tc, SCM (*mark) (SCM), size_t (*free) (SCM), int (*print) (SCM, SCM, scm_print_state *), SCM (*equalp) (SCM, SCM)) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("'scm_set_smob_mfpe' is deprecated. " "Use 'scm_set_smob_mark' instead, for example."); if (mark) scm_set_smob_mark (tc, mark); if (free) scm_set_smob_free (tc, free); if (print) scm_set_smob_print (tc, print); if (equalp) scm_set_smob_equalp (tc, equalp); } size_t scm_smob_free (SCM obj) { long n = SCM_SMOBNUM (obj); scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_smob_free' is deprecated. " "It is no longer needed."); if (scm_smobs[n].size > 0) scm_gc_free ((void *) SCM_SMOB_DATA_1 (obj), scm_smobs[n].size, SCM_SMOBNAME (n)); return 0; } SCM scm_read_0str (char *expr) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("scm_read_0str is deprecated. Use scm_c_read_string instead."); return scm_c_read_string (expr); } SCM scm_eval_0str (const char *expr) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("scm_eval_0str is deprecated. Use scm_c_eval_string instead."); return scm_c_eval_string (expr); } SCM scm_strprint_obj (SCM obj) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("scm_strprint_obj is deprecated. Use scm_object_to_string instead."); return scm_object_to_string (obj, SCM_UNDEFINED); } char * scm_i_object_chars (SCM obj) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("SCM_CHARS is deprecated. See the manual for alternatives."); if (SCM_STRINGP (obj)) return SCM_STRING_CHARS (obj); if (SCM_SYMBOLP (obj)) return SCM_SYMBOL_CHARS (obj); abort (); } long scm_i_object_length (SCM obj) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("SCM_LENGTH is deprecated. " "Use scm_c_string_length instead, for example, or see the manual."); if (SCM_STRINGP (obj)) return SCM_STRING_LENGTH (obj); if (SCM_SYMBOLP (obj)) return SCM_SYMBOL_LENGTH (obj); if (SCM_VECTORP (obj)) return SCM_VECTOR_LENGTH (obj); abort (); } SCM scm_sym2ovcell_soft (SCM sym, SCM obarray) { SCM lsym, z; size_t hash = scm_i_symbol_hash (sym) % SCM_VECTOR_LENGTH (obarray); scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_sym2ovcell_soft' is deprecated. " "Use hashtables instead."); SCM_CRITICAL_SECTION_START; for (lsym = SCM_VECTOR_REF (obarray, hash); SCM_NIMP (lsym); lsym = SCM_CDR (lsym)) { z = SCM_CAR (lsym); if (scm_is_eq (SCM_CAR (z), sym)) { SCM_CRITICAL_SECTION_END; return z; } } SCM_CRITICAL_SECTION_END; return SCM_BOOL_F; } SCM scm_sym2ovcell (SCM sym, SCM obarray) #define FUNC_NAME "scm_sym2ovcell" { SCM answer; scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_sym2ovcell' is deprecated. " "Use hashtables instead."); answer = scm_sym2ovcell_soft (sym, obarray); if (scm_is_true (answer)) return answer; SCM_MISC_ERROR ("uninterned symbol: ~S", scm_list_1 (sym)); return SCM_UNSPECIFIED; /* not reached */ } #undef FUNC_NAME /* Intern a symbol whose name is the LEN characters at NAME in OBARRAY. OBARRAY should be a vector of lists, indexed by the name's hash value, modulo OBARRAY's length. Each list has the form ((SYMBOL . VALUE) ...), where SYMBOL is a symbol, and VALUE is the value associated with that symbol (in the current module? in the system module?) To "intern" a symbol means: if OBARRAY already contains a symbol by that name, return its (SYMBOL . VALUE) pair; otherwise, create a new symbol, add the pair (SYMBOL . SCM_UNDEFINED) to the appropriate list of the OBARRAY, and return the pair. If softness is non-zero, don't create a symbol if it isn't already in OBARRAY; instead, just return #f. If OBARRAY is SCM_BOOL_F, create a symbol listed in no obarray and return (SYMBOL . SCM_UNDEFINED). */ static SCM intern_obarray_soft (SCM symbol, SCM obarray, unsigned int softness) { size_t raw_hash = scm_i_symbol_hash (symbol); size_t hash; SCM lsym; if (scm_is_false (obarray)) { if (softness) return SCM_BOOL_F; else return scm_cons (symbol, SCM_UNDEFINED); } hash = raw_hash % SCM_VECTOR_LENGTH (obarray); for (lsym = SCM_VECTOR_REF(obarray, hash); SCM_NIMP (lsym); lsym = SCM_CDR (lsym)) { SCM a = SCM_CAR (lsym); SCM z = SCM_CAR (a); if (scm_is_eq (z, symbol)) return a; } if (softness) { return SCM_BOOL_F; } else { SCM cell = scm_cons (symbol, SCM_UNDEFINED); SCM slot = SCM_VECTOR_REF (obarray, hash); SCM_VECTOR_SET (obarray, hash, scm_cons (cell, slot)); return cell; } } SCM scm_intern_obarray_soft (const char *name, size_t len, SCM obarray, unsigned int softness) { SCM symbol = scm_from_locale_symboln (name, len); scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_intern_obarray_soft' is deprecated. " "Use hashtables instead."); return intern_obarray_soft (symbol, obarray, softness); } SCM scm_intern_obarray (const char *name,size_t len,SCM obarray) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_intern_obarray' is deprecated. " "Use hashtables instead."); return scm_intern_obarray_soft (name, len, obarray, 0); } /* Lookup the value of the symbol named by the nul-terminated string NAME in the current module. */ SCM scm_symbol_value0 (const char *name) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_symbol_value0' is deprecated. " "Use `scm_lookup' instead."); return scm_variable_ref (scm_c_lookup (name)); } SCM_DEFINE (scm_string_to_obarray_symbol, "string->obarray-symbol", 2, 1, 0, (SCM o, SCM s, SCM softp), "Intern a new symbol in @var{obarray}, a symbol table, with name\n" "@var{string}.\n\n" "If @var{obarray} is @code{#f}, use the default system symbol table. If\n" "@var{obarray} is @code{#t}, the symbol should not be interned in any\n" "symbol table; merely return the pair (@var{symbol}\n" ". @var{#}).\n\n" "The @var{soft?} argument determines whether new symbol table entries\n" "should be created when the specified symbol is not already present in\n" "@var{obarray}. If @var{soft?} is specified and is a true value, then\n" "new entries should not be added for symbols not already present in the\n" "table; instead, simply return @code{#f}.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_string_to_obarray_symbol { SCM vcell; SCM answer; int softness; SCM_VALIDATE_STRING (2, s); SCM_ASSERT (scm_is_bool (o) || SCM_VECTORP (o), o, SCM_ARG1, FUNC_NAME); scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`string->obarray-symbol' is deprecated. " "Use hashtables instead."); softness = (!SCM_UNBNDP (softp) && scm_is_true(softp)); /* iron out some screwy calling conventions */ if (scm_is_false (o)) { /* nothing interesting to do here. */ return scm_string_to_symbol (s); } else if (scm_is_eq (o, SCM_BOOL_T)) o = SCM_BOOL_F; vcell = intern_obarray_soft (scm_string_to_symbol (s), o, softness); if (scm_is_false (vcell)) return vcell; answer = SCM_CAR (vcell); return answer; } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM_DEFINE (scm_intern_symbol, "intern-symbol", 2, 0, 0, (SCM o, SCM s), "Add a new symbol to @var{obarray} with name @var{string}, bound to an\n" "unspecified initial value. The symbol table is not modified if a symbol\n" "with this name is already present.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_intern_symbol { size_t hval; SCM_VALIDATE_SYMBOL (2,s); if (scm_is_false (o)) return SCM_UNSPECIFIED; scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`intern-symbol' is deprecated. " "Use hashtables instead."); SCM_VALIDATE_VECTOR (1,o); hval = scm_i_symbol_hash (s) % SCM_VECTOR_LENGTH (o); /* If the symbol is already interned, simply return. */ SCM_CRITICAL_SECTION_START; { SCM lsym; SCM sym; for (lsym = SCM_VECTOR_REF (o, hval); SCM_NIMP (lsym); lsym = SCM_CDR (lsym)) { sym = SCM_CAR (lsym); if (scm_is_eq (SCM_CAR (sym), s)) { SCM_CRITICAL_SECTION_END; return SCM_UNSPECIFIED; } } SCM_VECTOR_SET (o, hval, scm_acons (s, SCM_UNDEFINED, SCM_VECTOR_REF (o, hval))); } SCM_CRITICAL_SECTION_END; return SCM_UNSPECIFIED; } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM_DEFINE (scm_unintern_symbol, "unintern-symbol", 2, 0, 0, (SCM o, SCM s), "Remove the symbol with name @var{string} from @var{obarray}. This\n" "function returns @code{#t} if the symbol was present and @code{#f}\n" "otherwise.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_unintern_symbol { size_t hval; scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`unintern-symbol' is deprecated. " "Use hashtables instead."); SCM_VALIDATE_SYMBOL (2,s); if (scm_is_false (o)) return SCM_BOOL_F; SCM_VALIDATE_VECTOR (1,o); hval = scm_i_symbol_hash (s) % SCM_VECTOR_LENGTH (o); SCM_CRITICAL_SECTION_START; { SCM lsym_follow; SCM lsym; SCM sym; for (lsym = SCM_VECTOR_REF (o, hval), lsym_follow = SCM_BOOL_F; SCM_NIMP (lsym); lsym_follow = lsym, lsym = SCM_CDR (lsym)) { sym = SCM_CAR (lsym); if (scm_is_eq (SCM_CAR (sym), s)) { /* Found the symbol to unintern. */ if (scm_is_false (lsym_follow)) SCM_VECTOR_SET (o, hval, lsym); else SCM_SETCDR (lsym_follow, SCM_CDR(lsym)); SCM_CRITICAL_SECTION_END; return SCM_BOOL_T; } } } SCM_CRITICAL_SECTION_END; return SCM_BOOL_F; } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM_DEFINE (scm_symbol_binding, "symbol-binding", 2, 0, 0, (SCM o, SCM s), "Look up in @var{obarray} the symbol whose name is @var{string}, and\n" "return the value to which it is bound. If @var{obarray} is @code{#f},\n" "use the global symbol table. If @var{string} is not interned in\n" "@var{obarray}, an error is signalled.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_symbol_binding { SCM vcell; scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`symbol-binding' is deprecated. " "Use hashtables instead."); SCM_VALIDATE_SYMBOL (2,s); if (scm_is_false (o)) return scm_variable_ref (scm_lookup (s)); SCM_VALIDATE_VECTOR (1,o); vcell = scm_sym2ovcell (s, o); return SCM_CDR(vcell); } #undef FUNC_NAME #if 0 SCM_DEFINE (scm_symbol_interned_p, "symbol-interned?", 2, 0, 0, (SCM o, SCM s), "Return @code{#t} if @var{obarray} contains a symbol with name\n" "@var{string}, and @code{#f} otherwise.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_symbol_interned_p { SCM vcell; scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`symbol-interned?' is deprecated. " "Use hashtables instead."); SCM_VALIDATE_SYMBOL (2,s); if (scm_is_false (o)) { SCM var = scm_sym2var (s, SCM_BOOL_F, SCM_BOOL_F); if (var != SCM_BOOL_F) return SCM_BOOL_T; return SCM_BOOL_F; } SCM_VALIDATE_VECTOR (1,o); vcell = scm_sym2ovcell_soft (s, o); return (SCM_NIMP(vcell) ? SCM_BOOL_T : SCM_BOOL_F); } #undef FUNC_NAME #endif SCM_DEFINE (scm_symbol_bound_p, "symbol-bound?", 2, 0, 0, (SCM o, SCM s), "Return @code{#t} if @var{obarray} contains a symbol with name\n" "@var{string} bound to a defined value. This differs from\n" "@var{symbol-interned?} in that the mere mention of a symbol\n" "usually causes it to be interned; @code{symbol-bound?}\n" "determines whether a symbol has been given any meaningful\n" "value.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_symbol_bound_p { SCM vcell; scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`symbol-bound?' is deprecated. " "Use hashtables instead."); SCM_VALIDATE_SYMBOL (2,s); if (scm_is_false (o)) { SCM var = scm_sym2var (s, SCM_BOOL_F, SCM_BOOL_F); if (SCM_VARIABLEP(var) && !SCM_UNBNDP(SCM_VARIABLE_REF(var))) return SCM_BOOL_T; return SCM_BOOL_F; } SCM_VALIDATE_VECTOR (1,o); vcell = scm_sym2ovcell_soft (s, o); return scm_from_bool (SCM_NIMP (vcell) && !SCM_UNBNDP (SCM_CDR (vcell))); } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM_DEFINE (scm_symbol_set_x, "symbol-set!", 3, 0, 0, (SCM o, SCM s, SCM v), "Find the symbol in @var{obarray} whose name is @var{string}, and rebind\n" "it to @var{value}. An error is signalled if @var{string} is not present\n" "in @var{obarray}.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_symbol_set_x { SCM vcell; scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`symbol-set!' is deprecated. " "Use the module system instead."); SCM_VALIDATE_SYMBOL (2,s); if (scm_is_false (o)) { scm_define (s, v); return SCM_UNSPECIFIED; } SCM_VALIDATE_VECTOR (1,o); vcell = scm_sym2ovcell (s, o); SCM_SETCDR (vcell, v); return SCM_UNSPECIFIED; } #undef FUNC_NAME #define MAX_PREFIX_LENGTH 30 static int gentemp_counter; SCM_DEFINE (scm_gentemp, "gentemp", 0, 2, 0, (SCM prefix, SCM obarray), "Create a new symbol with a name unique in an obarray.\n" "The name is constructed from an optional string @var{prefix}\n" "and a counter value. The default prefix is @code{t}. The\n" "@var{obarray} is specified as a second optional argument.\n" "Default is the system obarray where all normal symbols are\n" "interned. The counter is increased by 1 at each\n" "call. There is no provision for resetting the counter.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_gentemp { char buf[MAX_PREFIX_LENGTH + SCM_INTBUFLEN]; char *name = buf; int n_digits; size_t len; scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`gentemp' is deprecated. " "Use `gensym' instead."); if (SCM_UNBNDP (prefix)) { name[0] = 't'; len = 1; } else { SCM_VALIDATE_STRING (1, prefix); len = scm_i_string_length (prefix); name = scm_to_locale_stringn (prefix, &len); name = scm_realloc (name, len + SCM_INTBUFLEN); } if (SCM_UNBNDP (obarray)) return scm_gensym (prefix); else SCM_ASSERT ((scm_is_vector (obarray) || SCM_I_WVECTP (obarray)), obarray, SCM_ARG2, FUNC_NAME); do n_digits = scm_iint2str (gentemp_counter++, 10, &name[len]); while (scm_is_true (scm_intern_obarray_soft (name, len + n_digits, obarray, 1))); { SCM vcell = scm_intern_obarray_soft (name, len + n_digits, obarray, 0); if (name != buf) free (name); return SCM_CAR (vcell); } } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM scm_i_makinum (scm_t_signed_bits val) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("SCM_MAKINUM is deprecated. Use scm_from_int or similar instead."); return SCM_I_MAKINUM (val); } int scm_i_inump (SCM obj) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("SCM_INUMP is deprecated. Use scm_is_integer or similar instead."); return SCM_I_INUMP (obj); } scm_t_signed_bits scm_i_inum (SCM obj) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("SCM_INUM is deprecated. Use scm_to_int or similar instead."); return scm_to_intmax (obj); } char * scm_c_string2str (SCM obj, char *str, size_t *lenp) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("scm_c_string2str is deprecated. Use scm_to_locale_stringbuf or similar instead."); if (str == NULL) { char *result = scm_to_locale_string (obj); if (lenp) *lenp = scm_i_string_length (obj); return result; } else { /* Pray that STR is large enough. */ size_t len = scm_to_locale_stringbuf (obj, str, SCM_I_SIZE_MAX); str[len] = '\0'; if (lenp) *lenp = len; return str; } } char * scm_c_substring2str (SCM obj, char *str, size_t start, size_t len) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("scm_c_substring2str is deprecated. Use scm_substring plus scm_to_locale_stringbuf instead."); if (start) obj = scm_substring (obj, scm_from_size_t (start), SCM_UNDEFINED); scm_to_locale_stringbuf (obj, str, len); return str; } /* Converts the given Scheme symbol OBJ into a C string, containing a copy of OBJ's content with a trailing null byte. If LENP is non-NULL, set *LENP to the string's length. When STR is non-NULL it receives the copy and is returned by the function, otherwise new memory is allocated and the caller is responsible for freeing it via free(). If out of memory, NULL is returned. Note that Scheme symbols may contain arbitrary data, including null characters. This means that null termination is not a reliable way to determine the length of the returned value. However, the function always copies the complete contents of OBJ, and sets *LENP to the length of the scheme symbol (if LENP is non-null). */ char * scm_c_symbol2str (SCM obj, char *str, size_t *lenp) { return scm_c_string2str (scm_symbol_to_string (obj), str, lenp); } double scm_truncate (double x) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("scm_truncate is deprecated. Use scm_c_truncate instead."); return scm_c_truncate (x); } double scm_round (double x) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("scm_round is deprecated. Use scm_c_round instead."); return scm_c_round (x); } SCM scm_sys_expt (SCM x, SCM y) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("scm_sys_expt is deprecated. Use scm_expt instead."); return scm_expt (x, y); } double scm_asinh (double x) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("scm_asinh is deprecated. Use asinh instead."); #if HAVE_ASINH return asinh (x); #else return log (x + sqrt (x * x + 1)); #endif } double scm_acosh (double x) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("scm_acosh is deprecated. Use acosh instead."); #if HAVE_ACOSH return acosh (x); #else return log (x + sqrt (x * x - 1)); #endif } double scm_atanh (double x) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("scm_atanh is deprecated. Use atanh instead."); #if HAVE_ATANH return atanh (x); #else return 0.5 * log ((1 + x) / (1 - x)); #endif } SCM scm_sys_atan2 (SCM z1, SCM z2) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("scm_sys_atan2 is deprecated. Use scm_atan instead."); return scm_atan (z1, z2); } char * scm_i_deprecated_symbol_chars (SCM sym) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("SCM_SYMBOL_CHARS is deprecated. Use scm_symbol_to_string."); return (char *)scm_i_symbol_chars (sym); } size_t scm_i_deprecated_symbol_length (SCM sym) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("SCM_SYMBOL_LENGTH is deprecated. Use scm_symbol_to_string."); return scm_i_symbol_length (sym); } int scm_i_keywordp (SCM obj) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("SCM_KEYWORDP is deprecated. Use scm_is_keyword instead."); return scm_is_keyword (obj); } SCM scm_i_keywordsym (SCM keyword) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("SCM_KEYWORDSYM is deprecated. See scm_keyword_to_symbol instead."); return scm_keyword_dash_symbol (keyword); } int scm_i_vectorp (SCM x) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("SCM_VECTORP is deprecated. Use scm_is_vector instead."); return SCM_I_IS_VECTOR (x); } unsigned long scm_i_vector_length (SCM x) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("SCM_VECTOR_LENGTH is deprecated. Use scm_c_vector_length instead."); return SCM_I_VECTOR_LENGTH (x); } const SCM * scm_i_velts (SCM x) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("SCM_VELTS is deprecated. Use scm_vector_elements instead."); return SCM_I_VECTOR_ELTS (x); } SCM * scm_i_writable_velts (SCM x) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("SCM_WRITABLE_VELTS is deprecated. " "Use scm_vector_writable_elements instead."); return SCM_I_VECTOR_WELTS (x); } SCM scm_i_vector_ref (SCM x, size_t idx) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("SCM_VECTOR_REF is deprecated. " "Use scm_c_vector_ref or scm_vector_elements instead."); return scm_c_vector_ref (x, idx); } void scm_i_vector_set (SCM x, size_t idx, SCM val) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("SCM_VECTOR_SET is deprecated. " "Use scm_c_vector_set_x or scm_vector_writable_elements instead."); scm_c_vector_set_x (x, idx, val); } SCM scm_vector_equal_p (SCM x, SCM y) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("scm_vector_euqal_p is deprecated. " "Use scm_equal_p instead."); return scm_equal_p (x, y); } SCM_DEFINE (scm_uniform_vector_read_x, "uniform-vector-read!", 1, 3, 0, (SCM uvec, SCM port_or_fd, SCM start, SCM end), "Fill the elements of @var{uvec} by reading\n" "raw bytes from @var{port-or-fdes}, using host byte order.\n\n" "The optional arguments @var{start} (inclusive) and @var{end}\n" "(exclusive) allow a specified region to be read,\n" "leaving the remainder of the vector unchanged.\n\n" "When @var{port-or-fdes} is a port, all specified elements\n" "of @var{uvec} are attempted to be read, potentially blocking\n" "while waiting for more input or end-of-file.\n" "When @var{port-or-fd} is an integer, a single call to\n" "read(2) is made.\n\n" "An error is signalled when the last element has only\n" "been partially filled before reaching end-of-file or in\n" "the single call to read(2).\n\n" "@code{uniform-vector-read!} returns the number of elements\n" "read.\n\n" "@var{port-or-fdes} may be omitted, in which case it defaults\n" "to the value returned by @code{(current-input-port)}.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_uniform_vector_read_x { SCM result; size_t c_width, c_start, c_end; SCM_VALIDATE_BYTEVECTOR (SCM_ARG1, uvec); scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`uniform-vector-read!' is deprecated. Use `get-bytevector-n!' from\n" "`(rnrs io ports)' instead."); if (SCM_UNBNDP (port_or_fd)) port_or_fd = scm_current_input_port (); c_width = scm_to_size_t (scm_uniform_vector_element_size (uvec)); c_start = SCM_UNBNDP (start) ? 0 : scm_to_size_t (start); c_start *= c_width; c_end = SCM_UNBNDP (end) ? SCM_BYTEVECTOR_LENGTH (uvec) : scm_to_size_t (end) * c_width; result = scm_get_bytevector_n_x (port_or_fd, uvec, scm_from_size_t (c_start), scm_from_size_t (c_end - c_start)); if (SCM_EOF_OBJECT_P (result)) result = SCM_INUM0; return result; } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM_DEFINE (scm_uniform_vector_write, "uniform-vector-write", 1, 3, 0, (SCM uvec, SCM port_or_fd, SCM start, SCM end), "Write the elements of @var{uvec} as raw bytes to\n" "@var{port-or-fdes}, in the host byte order.\n\n" "The optional arguments @var{start} (inclusive)\n" "and @var{end} (exclusive) allow\n" "a specified region to be written.\n\n" "When @var{port-or-fdes} is a port, all specified elements\n" "of @var{uvec} are attempted to be written, potentially blocking\n" "while waiting for more room.\n" "When @var{port-or-fd} is an integer, a single call to\n" "write(2) is made.\n\n" "An error is signalled when the last element has only\n" "been partially written in the single call to write(2).\n\n" "The number of objects actually written is returned.\n" "@var{port-or-fdes} may be\n" "omitted, in which case it defaults to the value returned by\n" "@code{(current-output-port)}.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_uniform_vector_write { size_t c_width, c_start, c_end; SCM_VALIDATE_BYTEVECTOR (SCM_ARG1, uvec); scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`uniform-vector-write' is deprecated. Use `put-bytevector' from\n" "`(rnrs io ports)' instead."); if (SCM_UNBNDP (port_or_fd)) port_or_fd = scm_current_output_port (); port_or_fd = SCM_COERCE_OUTPORT (port_or_fd); c_width = scm_to_size_t (scm_uniform_vector_element_size (uvec)); c_start = SCM_UNBNDP (start) ? 0 : scm_to_size_t (start); c_start *= c_width; c_end = SCM_UNBNDP (end) ? SCM_BYTEVECTOR_LENGTH (uvec) : scm_to_size_t (end); c_end *= c_width; return scm_put_bytevector (port_or_fd, uvec, scm_from_size_t (c_start), scm_from_size_t (c_end - c_start)); } #undef FUNC_NAME static SCM scm_ra2contig (SCM ra, int copy) { SCM ret; long inc = 1; size_t k, len = 1; for (k = SCM_I_ARRAY_NDIM (ra); k--;) len *= SCM_I_ARRAY_DIMS (ra)[k].ubnd - SCM_I_ARRAY_DIMS (ra)[k].lbnd + 1; k = SCM_I_ARRAY_NDIM (ra); if (SCM_I_ARRAY_CONTP (ra) && ((0 == k) || (1 == SCM_I_ARRAY_DIMS (ra)[k - 1].inc))) { if (!scm_is_bitvector (SCM_I_ARRAY_V (ra))) return ra; if ((len == scm_c_bitvector_length (SCM_I_ARRAY_V (ra)) && 0 == SCM_I_ARRAY_BASE (ra) % SCM_LONG_BIT && 0 == len % SCM_LONG_BIT)) return ra; } ret = scm_i_make_array (k); SCM_I_ARRAY_BASE (ret) = 0; while (k--) { SCM_I_ARRAY_DIMS (ret)[k].lbnd = SCM_I_ARRAY_DIMS (ra)[k].lbnd; SCM_I_ARRAY_DIMS (ret)[k].ubnd = SCM_I_ARRAY_DIMS (ra)[k].ubnd; SCM_I_ARRAY_DIMS (ret)[k].inc = inc; inc *= SCM_I_ARRAY_DIMS (ra)[k].ubnd - SCM_I_ARRAY_DIMS (ra)[k].lbnd + 1; } SCM_I_ARRAY_V (ret) = scm_make_generalized_vector (scm_array_type (ra), scm_from_size_t (inc), SCM_UNDEFINED); if (copy) scm_array_copy_x (ra, ret); return ret; } SCM_DEFINE (scm_uniform_array_read_x, "uniform-array-read!", 1, 3, 0, (SCM ura, SCM port_or_fd, SCM start, SCM end), "@deffnx {Scheme Procedure} uniform-vector-read! uve [port-or-fdes] [start] [end]\n" "Attempt to read all elements of @var{ura}, in lexicographic order, as\n" "binary objects from @var{port-or-fdes}.\n" "If an end of file is encountered,\n" "the objects up to that point are put into @var{ura}\n" "(starting at the beginning) and the remainder of the array is\n" "unchanged.\n\n" "The optional arguments @var{start} and @var{end} allow\n" "a specified region of a vector (or linearized array) to be read,\n" "leaving the remainder of the vector unchanged.\n\n" "@code{uniform-array-read!} returns the number of objects read.\n" "@var{port-or-fdes} may be omitted, in which case it defaults to the value\n" "returned by @code{(current-input-port)}.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_uniform_array_read_x { if (SCM_UNBNDP (port_or_fd)) port_or_fd = scm_current_input_port (); if (scm_is_uniform_vector (ura)) { return scm_uniform_vector_read_x (ura, port_or_fd, start, end); } else if (SCM_I_ARRAYP (ura)) { size_t base, vlen, cstart, cend; SCM cra, ans; cra = scm_ra2contig (ura, 0); base = SCM_I_ARRAY_BASE (cra); vlen = SCM_I_ARRAY_DIMS (cra)->inc * (SCM_I_ARRAY_DIMS (cra)->ubnd - SCM_I_ARRAY_DIMS (cra)->lbnd + 1); cstart = 0; cend = vlen; if (!SCM_UNBNDP (start)) { cstart = scm_to_unsigned_integer (start, 0, vlen); if (!SCM_UNBNDP (end)) cend = scm_to_unsigned_integer (end, cstart, vlen); } ans = scm_uniform_vector_read_x (SCM_I_ARRAY_V (cra), port_or_fd, scm_from_size_t (base + cstart), scm_from_size_t (base + cend)); if (!scm_is_eq (cra, ura)) scm_array_copy_x (cra, ura); return ans; } else scm_wrong_type_arg_msg (NULL, 0, ura, "array"); } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM_DEFINE (scm_uniform_array_write, "uniform-array-write", 1, 3, 0, (SCM ura, SCM port_or_fd, SCM start, SCM end), "Writes all elements of @var{ura} as binary objects to\n" "@var{port-or-fdes}.\n\n" "The optional arguments @var{start}\n" "and @var{end} allow\n" "a specified region of a vector (or linearized array) to be written.\n\n" "The number of objects actually written is returned.\n" "@var{port-or-fdes} may be\n" "omitted, in which case it defaults to the value returned by\n" "@code{(current-output-port)}.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_uniform_array_write { if (SCM_UNBNDP (port_or_fd)) port_or_fd = scm_current_output_port (); if (scm_is_uniform_vector (ura)) { return scm_uniform_vector_write (ura, port_or_fd, start, end); } else if (SCM_I_ARRAYP (ura)) { size_t base, vlen, cstart, cend; SCM cra, ans; cra = scm_ra2contig (ura, 1); base = SCM_I_ARRAY_BASE (cra); vlen = SCM_I_ARRAY_DIMS (cra)->inc * (SCM_I_ARRAY_DIMS (cra)->ubnd - SCM_I_ARRAY_DIMS (cra)->lbnd + 1); cstart = 0; cend = vlen; if (!SCM_UNBNDP (start)) { cstart = scm_to_unsigned_integer (start, 0, vlen); if (!SCM_UNBNDP (end)) cend = scm_to_unsigned_integer (end, cstart, vlen); } ans = scm_uniform_vector_write (SCM_I_ARRAY_V (cra), port_or_fd, scm_from_size_t (base + cstart), scm_from_size_t (base + cend)); return ans; } else scm_wrong_type_arg_msg (NULL, 0, ura, "array"); } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM scm_i_cur_inp (void) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("scm_cur_inp is deprecated. Use scm_current_input_port instead."); return scm_current_input_port (); } SCM scm_i_cur_outp (void) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("scm_cur_outp is deprecated. Use scm_current_output_port instead."); return scm_current_output_port (); } SCM scm_i_cur_errp (void) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("scm_cur_errp is deprecated. Use scm_current_error_port instead."); return scm_current_error_port (); } SCM scm_i_cur_loadp (void) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("scm_cur_loadp is deprecated. Use scm_current_load_port instead."); return scm_current_load_port (); } SCM scm_i_progargs (void) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("scm_progargs is deprecated. Use scm_program_arguments instead."); return scm_program_arguments (); } SCM scm_i_deprecated_dynwinds (void) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("scm_dynwinds is deprecated. Do not use it."); return scm_i_dynwinds (); } SCM_STACKITEM * scm_i_stack_base (void) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("scm_stack_base is deprecated. Do not use it."); return SCM_I_CURRENT_THREAD->base; } int scm_i_fluidp (SCM x) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("SCM_FLUIDP is deprecated. Use scm_is_fluid instead."); return scm_is_fluid (x); } /* Networking. */ #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING SCM_DEFINE (scm_inet_aton, "inet-aton", 1, 0, 0, (SCM address), "Convert an IPv4 Internet address from printable string\n" "(dotted decimal notation) to an integer. E.g.,\n\n" "@lisp\n" "(inet-aton \"\") @result{} 2130706433\n" "@end lisp") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_inet_aton { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`inet-aton' is deprecated. Use `inet-pton' instead."); return scm_inet_pton (scm_from_int (AF_INET), address); } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM_DEFINE (scm_inet_ntoa, "inet-ntoa", 1, 0, 0, (SCM inetid), "Convert an IPv4 Internet address to a printable\n" "(dotted decimal notation) string. E.g.,\n\n" "@lisp\n" "(inet-ntoa 2130706433) @result{} \"\"\n" "@end lisp") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_inet_ntoa { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`inet-ntoa' is deprecated. Use `inet-ntop' instead."); return scm_inet_ntop (scm_from_int (AF_INET), inetid); } #undef FUNC_NAME #endif /* HAVE_NETWORKING */ void scm_i_defer_ints_etc () { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("SCM_DEFER_INTS etc are deprecated. " "Use a mutex instead if appropriate."); } int scm_i_mask_ints (void) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_mask_ints' is deprecated."); return (SCM_I_CURRENT_THREAD->block_asyncs != 0); } SCM scm_guard (SCM guardian, SCM obj, int throw_p) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("scm_guard is deprecated. Use scm_call_1 instead."); return scm_call_1 (guardian, obj); } SCM scm_get_one_zombie (SCM guardian) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("scm_guard is deprecated. Use scm_call_0 instead."); return scm_call_0 (guardian); } SCM_DEFINE (scm_guardian_destroyed_p, "guardian-destroyed?", 1, 0, 0, (SCM guardian), "Return @code{#t} if @var{guardian} has been destroyed, otherwise @code{#f}.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_guardian_destroyed_p { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("'guardian-destroyed?' is deprecated."); return SCM_BOOL_F; } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM_DEFINE (scm_guardian_greedy_p, "guardian-greedy?", 1, 0, 0, (SCM guardian), "Return @code{#t} if @var{guardian} is a greedy guardian, otherwise @code{#f}.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_guardian_greedy_p { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("'guardian-greedy?' is deprecated."); return SCM_BOOL_F; } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM_DEFINE (scm_destroy_guardian_x, "destroy-guardian!", 1, 0, 0, (SCM guardian), "Destroys @var{guardian}, by making it impossible to put any more\n" "objects in it or get any objects from it. It also unguards any\n" "objects guarded by @var{guardian}.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_destroy_guardian_x { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("'destroy-guardian!' is deprecated and ineffective."); return SCM_UNSPECIFIED; } #undef FUNC_NAME /* GC-related things. */ unsigned long scm_mallocated, scm_mtrigger; size_t scm_max_segment_size; #if defined (GUILE_DEBUG) || defined (GUILE_DEBUG_FREELIST) SCM scm_map_free_list (void) { return SCM_EOL; } #endif #if defined (GUILE_DEBUG_FREELIST) SCM scm_gc_set_debug_check_freelist_x (SCM flag) { return SCM_UNSPECIFIED; } #endif /* Trampolines * * Trampolines were an intent to speed up calling the same Scheme procedure many * times from C. * * However, this was the wrong thing to optimize; if you really know what you're * calling, call its function directly, otherwise you're in Scheme-land, and we * have many better tricks there (inlining, for example, which can remove the * need for closures and free variables). * * Also, in the normal debugging case, trampolines were being computed but not * used. Silliness. */ scm_t_trampoline_0 scm_trampoline_0 (SCM proc) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_trampoline_0' is deprecated. Just use `scm_call_0' instead."); return scm_call_0; } scm_t_trampoline_1 scm_trampoline_1 (SCM proc) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_trampoline_1' is deprecated. Just use `scm_call_1' instead."); return scm_call_1; } scm_t_trampoline_2 scm_trampoline_2 (SCM proc) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_trampoline_2' is deprecated. Just use `scm_call_2' instead."); return scm_call_2; } int scm_i_subr_p (SCM x) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_subr_p' is deprecated. Use SCM_PRIMITIVE_P instead."); return SCM_PRIMITIVE_P (x); } SCM scm_internal_lazy_catch (SCM tag, scm_t_catch_body body, void *body_data, scm_t_catch_handler handler, void *handler_data) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_internal_lazy_catch' is no longer supported. Instead this call will\n" "dispatch to `scm_c_with_throw_handler'. Your handler will be invoked from\n" "within the dynamic context of the corresponding `throw'.\n" "\nTHIS COULD CHANGE YOUR PROGRAM'S BEHAVIOR.\n\n" "Please modify your program to use `scm_c_with_throw_handler' directly,\n" "and adapt it (if necessary) to expect to be within the dynamic context\n" "of the throw."); return scm_c_with_throw_handler (tag, body, body_data, handler, handler_data, 0); } SCM_DEFINE (scm_lazy_catch, "lazy-catch", 3, 0, 0, (SCM key, SCM thunk, SCM handler), "This behaves exactly like @code{catch}, except that it does\n" "not unwind the stack before invoking @var{handler}.\n" "If the @var{handler} procedure returns normally, Guile\n" "rethrows the same exception again to the next innermost catch,\n" "lazy-catch or throw handler. If the @var{handler} exits\n" "non-locally, that exit determines the continuation.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_lazy_catch { struct scm_body_thunk_data c; SCM_ASSERT (scm_is_symbol (key) || scm_is_eq (key, SCM_BOOL_T), key, SCM_ARG1, FUNC_NAME); c.tag = key; c.body_proc = thunk; scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`lazy-catch' is no longer supported. Instead this call will dispatch\n" "to `with-throw-handler'. Your handler will be invoked from within the\n" "dynamic context of the corresponding `throw'.\n" "\nTHIS COULD CHANGE YOUR PROGRAM'S BEHAVIOR.\n\n" "Please modify your program to use `with-throw-handler' directly, and\n" "adapt it (if necessary) to expect to be within the dynamic context of\n" "the throw."); return scm_c_with_throw_handler (key, scm_body_thunk, &c, scm_handle_by_proc, &handler, 0); } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM scm_raequal (SCM ra0, SCM ra1) { return scm_array_equal_p (ra0, ra1); } SCM_DEFINE (scm_dynamic_args_call, "dynamic-args-call", 3, 0, 0, (SCM func, SCM dobj, SCM args), "Call the C function indicated by @var{func} and @var{dobj},\n" "just like @code{dynamic-call}, but pass it some arguments and\n" "return its return value. The C function is expected to take\n" "two arguments and return an @code{int}, just like @code{main}:\n" "@smallexample\n" "int c_func (int argc, char **argv);\n" "@end smallexample\n\n" "The parameter @var{args} must be a list of strings and is\n" "converted into an array of @code{char *}. The array is passed\n" "in @var{argv} and its size in @var{argc}. The return value is\n" "converted to a Scheme number and returned from the call to\n" "@code{dynamic-args-call}.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_dynamic_args_call { int (*fptr) (int argc, char **argv); int result, argc; char **argv; if (scm_is_string (func)) { #if HAVE_MODULES func = scm_dynamic_func (func, dobj); #else scm_misc_error ("dynamic-args-call", "dynamic-func not available to resolve ~S", scm_list_1 (func)); #endif } SCM_VALIDATE_POINTER (SCM_ARG1, func); fptr = SCM_POINTER_VALUE (func); argv = scm_i_allocate_string_pointers (args); for (argc = 0; argv[argc]; argc++) ; result = (*fptr) (argc, argv); return scm_from_int (result); } #undef FUNC_NAME int scm_badargsp (SCM formals, SCM args) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_badargsp' is deprecated. Copy it into your project if you need it."); while (!scm_is_null (formals)) { if (!scm_is_pair (formals)) return 0; if (scm_is_null (args)) return 1; formals = scm_cdr (formals); args = scm_cdr (args); } return !scm_is_null (args) ? 1 : 0; } /* scm_internal_stack_catch Use this one if you want debugging information to be stored in the-last-stack on error. */ static SCM ss_handler (void *data SCM_UNUSED, SCM tag, SCM throw_args) { /* In the stack */ scm_fluid_set_x (scm_variable_ref (scm_c_module_lookup (scm_c_resolve_module ("ice-9 save-stack"), "the-last-stack")), scm_make_stack (SCM_BOOL_T, SCM_EOL)); /* Throw the error */ return scm_throw (tag, throw_args); } struct cwss_data { SCM tag; scm_t_catch_body body; void *data; }; static SCM cwss_body (void *data) { struct cwss_data *d = data; return scm_c_with_throw_handler (d->tag, d->body, d->data, ss_handler, NULL, 0); } SCM scm_internal_stack_catch (SCM tag, scm_t_catch_body body, void *body_data, scm_t_catch_handler handler, void *handler_data) { struct cwss_data d; d.tag = tag; d.body = body; d.data = body_data; scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_internal_stack_catch' is deprecated. Talk to guile-devel if you see this message."); return scm_internal_catch (tag, cwss_body, &d, handler, handler_data); } SCM scm_short2num (short x) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_short2num' is deprecated. Use scm_from_short instead."); return scm_from_short (x); } SCM scm_ushort2num (unsigned short x) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_ushort2num' is deprecated. Use scm_from_ushort instead."); return scm_from_ushort (x); } SCM scm_int2num (int x) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_int2num' is deprecated. Use scm_from_int instead."); return scm_from_int (x); } SCM scm_uint2num (unsigned int x) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_uint2num' is deprecated. Use scm_from_uint instead."); return scm_from_uint (x); } SCM scm_long2num (long x) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_long2num' is deprecated. Use scm_from_long instead."); return scm_from_long (x); } SCM scm_ulong2num (unsigned long x) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_ulong2num' is deprecated. Use scm_from_ulong instead."); return scm_from_ulong (x); } SCM scm_size2num (size_t x) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_size2num' is deprecated. Use scm_from_size_t instead."); return scm_from_size_t (x); } SCM scm_ptrdiff2num (ptrdiff_t x) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_ptrdiff2num' is deprecated. Use scm_from_ssize_t instead."); return scm_from_ssize_t (x); } short scm_num2short (SCM x, unsigned long pos, const char *s_caller) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_num2short' is deprecated. Use scm_to_short instead."); return scm_to_short (x); } unsigned short scm_num2ushort (SCM x, unsigned long pos, const char *s_caller) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_num2ushort' is deprecated. Use scm_to_ushort instead."); return scm_to_ushort (x); } int scm_num2int (SCM x, unsigned long pos, const char *s_caller) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_num2int' is deprecated. Use scm_to_int instead."); return scm_to_int (x); } unsigned int scm_num2uint (SCM x, unsigned long pos, const char *s_caller) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_num2uint' is deprecated. Use scm_to_uint instead."); return scm_to_uint (x); } long scm_num2long (SCM x, unsigned long pos, const char *s_caller) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_num2long' is deprecated. Use scm_to_long instead."); return scm_to_long (x); } unsigned long scm_num2ulong (SCM x, unsigned long pos, const char *s_caller) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_num2ulong' is deprecated. Use scm_to_ulong instead."); return scm_to_ulong (x); } size_t scm_num2size (SCM x, unsigned long pos, const char *s_caller) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_num2size' is deprecated. Use scm_to_size_t instead."); return scm_to_size_t (x); } ptrdiff_t scm_num2ptrdiff (SCM x, unsigned long pos, const char *s_caller) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_num2ptrdiff' is deprecated. Use scm_to_ssize_t instead."); return scm_to_ssize_t (x); } #if SCM_SIZEOF_LONG_LONG != 0 SCM scm_long_long2num (long long x) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_long_long2num' is deprecated. Use scm_from_long_long instead."); return scm_from_long_long (x); } SCM scm_ulong_long2num (unsigned long long x) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_ulong_long2num' is deprecated. Use scm_from_ulong_long instead."); return scm_from_ulong_long (x); } long long scm_num2long_long (SCM x, unsigned long pos, const char *s_caller) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_num2long_long' is deprecated. Use scm_to_long_long instead."); return scm_to_long_long (x); } unsigned long long scm_num2ulong_long (SCM x, unsigned long pos, const char *s_caller) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_num2ulong_long' is deprecated. Use scm_from_ulong_long instead."); return scm_to_ulong_long (x); } #endif SCM scm_make_real (double x) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_make_real' is deprecated. Use scm_from_double instead."); return scm_from_double (x); } double scm_num2dbl (SCM a, const char *why) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_num2dbl' is deprecated. Use scm_to_double instead."); return scm_to_double (a); } SCM scm_float2num (float n) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_float2num' is deprecated. Use scm_from_double instead."); return scm_from_double ((double) n); } SCM scm_double2num (double n) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_double2num' is deprecated. Use scm_from_double instead."); return scm_from_double (n); } SCM scm_make_complex (double x, double y) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_make_complex' is deprecated. Use scm_c_make_rectangular instead."); return scm_c_make_rectangular (x, y); } SCM scm_mem2symbol (const char *mem, size_t len) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_mem2symbol' is deprecated. Use scm_from_locale_symboln instead."); return scm_from_locale_symboln (mem, len); } SCM scm_mem2uninterned_symbol (const char *mem, size_t len) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_mem2uninterned_symbol' is deprecated. " "Use scm_make_symbol and scm_from_locale_symboln instead."); return scm_make_symbol (scm_from_locale_stringn (mem, len)); } SCM scm_str2symbol (const char *str) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_str2symbol' is deprecated. Use scm_from_locale_symbol instead."); return scm_from_locale_symbol (str); } /* This function must only be applied to memory obtained via malloc, since the GC is going to apply `free' to it when the string is dropped. Also, s[len] must be `\0', since we promise that strings are null-terminated. Perhaps we could handle non-null-terminated strings by claiming they're shared substrings of a string we just made up. */ SCM scm_take_str (char *s, size_t len) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_take_str' is deprecated. Use scm_take_locale_stringn instead."); return scm_take_locale_stringn (s, len); } /* `s' must be a malloc'd string. See scm_take_str. */ SCM scm_take0str (char *s) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_take0str' is deprecated. Use scm_take_locale_string instead."); return scm_take_locale_string (s); } SCM scm_mem2string (const char *src, size_t len) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_mem2string' is deprecated. Use scm_from_locale_stringn instead."); return scm_from_locale_stringn (src, len); } SCM scm_str2string (const char *src) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_str2string' is deprecated. Use scm_from_locale_string instead."); return scm_from_locale_string (src); } SCM scm_makfrom0str (const char *src) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_makfrom0str' is deprecated." "Use scm_from_locale_string instead, but check for NULL first."); if (!src) return SCM_BOOL_F; return scm_from_locale_string (src); } SCM scm_makfrom0str_opt (const char *src) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_makfrom0str_opt' is deprecated." "Use scm_from_locale_string instead, but check for NULL first."); return scm_makfrom0str (src); } SCM scm_allocate_string (size_t len) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_allocate_string' is deprecated. Use scm_c_make_string instead."); return scm_i_make_string (len, NULL, 0); } SCM_DEFINE (scm_make_keyword_from_dash_symbol, "make-keyword-from-dash-symbol", 1, 0, 0, (SCM symbol), "Make a keyword object from a @var{symbol} that starts with a dash.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_make_keyword_from_dash_symbol { SCM dash_string, non_dash_symbol; scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_make_keyword_from_dash_symbol' is deprecated. Don't use dash symbols."); SCM_ASSERT (scm_is_symbol (symbol) && (scm_i_symbol_ref (symbol, 0) == '-'), symbol, SCM_ARG1, FUNC_NAME); dash_string = scm_symbol_to_string (symbol); non_dash_symbol = scm_string_to_symbol (scm_c_substring (dash_string, 1, scm_c_string_length (dash_string))); return scm_symbol_to_keyword (non_dash_symbol); } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM_DEFINE (scm_keyword_dash_symbol, "keyword-dash-symbol", 1, 0, 0, (SCM keyword), "Return the dash symbol for @var{keyword}.\n" "This is the inverse of @code{make-keyword-from-dash-symbol}.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_keyword_dash_symbol { SCM symbol = scm_keyword_to_symbol (keyword); SCM parts = scm_list_2 (scm_from_locale_string ("-"), scm_symbol_to_string (symbol)); scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_keyword_dash_symbol' is deprecated. Don't use dash symbols."); return scm_string_to_symbol (scm_string_append (parts)); } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM scm_c_make_keyword (const char *s) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_c_make_keyword' is deprecated. Use scm_from_locale_keyword instead."); return scm_from_locale_keyword (s); } unsigned int scm_thread_sleep (unsigned int t) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_thread_sleep' is deprecated. Use scm_std_sleep instead."); return scm_std_sleep (t); } unsigned long scm_thread_usleep (unsigned long t) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_thread_usleep' is deprecated. Use scm_std_usleep instead."); return scm_std_usleep (t); } #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H int scm_internal_select (int fds, fd_set *rfds, fd_set *wfds, fd_set *efds, struct timeval *timeout) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_internal_select' is deprecated. Use scm_std_select instead."); return scm_std_select (fds, rfds, wfds, efds, timeout); } #endif /* HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H */ #ifdef HAVE_CUSERID # if !HAVE_DECL_CUSERID extern char *cuserid (char *); # endif SCM_DEFINE (scm_cuserid, "cuserid", 0, 0, 0, (void), "Return a string containing a user name associated with the\n" "effective user id of the process. Return @code{#f} if this\n" "information cannot be obtained.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_cuserid { char buf[L_cuserid]; char * p; scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`cuserid' is deprecated. Use `(passwd:name (getpwuid (geteuid)))' instead."); p = cuserid (buf); if (!p || !*p) return SCM_BOOL_F; return scm_from_locale_string (p); } #undef FUNC_NAME #endif /* HAVE_CUSERID */ /* {Properties} */ static SCM properties_whash; SCM_DEFINE (scm_primitive_make_property, "primitive-make-property", 1, 0, 0, (SCM not_found_proc), "Create a @dfn{property token} that can be used with\n" "@code{primitive-property-ref} and @code{primitive-property-set!}.\n" "See @code{primitive-property-ref} for the significance of\n" "@var{not_found_proc}.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_primitive_make_property { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`primitive-make-property' is deprecated. Use object properties."); if (!scm_is_false (not_found_proc)) SCM_VALIDATE_PROC (SCM_ARG1, not_found_proc); return scm_cons (not_found_proc, SCM_EOL); } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM_DEFINE (scm_primitive_property_ref, "primitive-property-ref", 2, 0, 0, (SCM prop, SCM obj), "Return the property @var{prop} of @var{obj}.\n" "\n" "When no value has yet been associated with @var{prop} and\n" "@var{obj}, the @var{not-found-proc} from @var{prop} is used. A\n" "call @code{(@var{not-found-proc} @var{prop} @var{obj})} is made\n" "and the result set as the property value. If\n" "@var{not-found-proc} is @code{#f} then @code{#f} is the\n" "property value.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_primitive_property_ref { SCM alist; scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`primitive-property-ref' is deprecated. Use object properties."); SCM_VALIDATE_CONS (SCM_ARG1, prop); alist = scm_hashq_ref (properties_whash, obj, SCM_EOL); if (scm_is_pair (alist)) { SCM assoc = scm_assq (prop, alist); if (scm_is_true (assoc)) return SCM_CDR (assoc); } if (scm_is_false (SCM_CAR (prop))) return SCM_BOOL_F; else { SCM val = scm_call_2 (SCM_CAR (prop), prop, obj); scm_hashq_set_x (properties_whash, obj, scm_acons (prop, val, alist)); return val; } } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM_DEFINE (scm_primitive_property_set_x, "primitive-property-set!", 3, 0, 0, (SCM prop, SCM obj, SCM val), "Set the property @var{prop} of @var{obj} to @var{val}.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_primitive_property_set_x { SCM alist, assoc; scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`primitive-property-set!' is deprecated. Use object properties."); SCM_VALIDATE_CONS (SCM_ARG1, prop); alist = scm_hashq_ref (properties_whash, obj, SCM_EOL); assoc = scm_assq (prop, alist); if (scm_is_pair (assoc)) SCM_SETCDR (assoc, val); else scm_hashq_set_x (properties_whash, obj, scm_acons (prop, val, alist)); return SCM_UNSPECIFIED; } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM_DEFINE (scm_primitive_property_del_x, "primitive-property-del!", 2, 0, 0, (SCM prop, SCM obj), "Remove any value associated with @var{prop} and @var{obj}.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_primitive_property_del_x { SCM alist; scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`primitive-property-del!' is deprecated. Use object properties."); SCM_VALIDATE_CONS (SCM_ARG1, prop); alist = scm_hashq_ref (properties_whash, obj, SCM_EOL); if (scm_is_pair (alist)) scm_hashq_set_x (properties_whash, obj, scm_assq_remove_x (alist, prop)); return SCM_UNSPECIFIED; } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM scm_whash_get_handle (SCM whash, SCM key) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("The `scm_whash' API is deprecated. Use the `scm_hashq' API instead."); return scm_hashq_get_handle (whash, key); } int SCM_WHASHFOUNDP (SCM h) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("The `scm_whash' API is deprecated. Use the `scm_hashq' API instead."); return scm_is_true (h); } SCM SCM_WHASHREF (SCM whash, SCM handle) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("The `scm_whash' API is deprecated. Use the `scm_hashq' API instead."); return SCM_CDR (handle); } void SCM_WHASHSET (SCM whash, SCM handle, SCM obj) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("The `scm_whash' API is deprecated. Use the `scm_hashq' API instead."); SCM_SETCDR (handle, obj); } SCM scm_whash_create_handle (SCM whash, SCM key) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("The `scm_whash' API is deprecated. Use the `scm_hashq' API instead."); return scm_hashq_create_handle_x (whash, key, SCM_UNSPECIFIED); } SCM scm_whash_lookup (SCM whash, SCM obj) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("The `scm_whash' API is deprecated. Use the `scm_hashq' API instead."); return scm_hashq_ref (whash, obj, SCM_BOOL_F); } void scm_whash_insert (SCM whash, SCM key, SCM obj) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("The `scm_whash' API is deprecated. Use the `scm_hashq' API instead."); scm_hashq_set_x (whash, key, obj); } SCM scm_struct_table = SCM_BOOL_F; SCM scm_struct_create_handle (SCM obj) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_struct_create_handle' is deprecated, and has no effect."); return scm_cons (obj, scm_cons (SCM_BOOL_F, SCM_BOOL_F)); } SCM scm_internal_dynamic_wind (scm_t_guard before, scm_t_inner inner, scm_t_guard after, void *inner_data, void *guard_data) { SCM ans; scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("`scm_internal_dynamic_wind' is deprecated. " "Use the `scm_dynwind_begin' / `scm_dynwind_end' API instead."); scm_dynwind_begin (SCM_F_DYNWIND_REWINDABLE); scm_dynwind_rewind_handler (before, guard_data, SCM_F_WIND_EXPLICITLY); scm_dynwind_unwind_handler (after, guard_data, SCM_F_WIND_EXPLICITLY); ans = inner (inner_data); scm_dynwind_end (); return ans; } SCM scm_immutable_cell (scm_t_bits car, scm_t_bits cdr) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("scm_immutable_cell is deprecated. Use scm_cell instead."); return scm_cell (car, cdr); } SCM scm_immutable_double_cell (scm_t_bits car, scm_t_bits cbr, scm_t_bits ccr, scm_t_bits cdr) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("scm_immutable_double_cell is deprecated. Use scm_double_cell instead."); return scm_double_cell (car, cbr, ccr, cdr); } scm_t_bits scm_i_deprecated_asrtgo (scm_t_bits condition) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("SCM_ASRTGO is deprecated. Use `if (!condition) goto label;' directly."); return condition; } /* scm_sym2var * * looks up the variable bound to SYM according to PROC. PROC should be * a `eval closure' of some module. * * When no binding exists, and DEFINEP is true, create a new binding * with a initial value of SCM_UNDEFINED. Return `#f' when DEFINEP as * false and no binding exists. * * When PROC is `#f', it is ignored and the binding is searched for in * the scm_pre_modules_obarray (a `eq' hash table). */ SCM scm_sym2var (SCM sym, SCM proc, SCM definep) #define FUNC_NAME "scm_sym2var" { SCM var; if (scm_is_true (definep)) scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("scm_sym2var is deprecated. Use scm_define or scm_module_define\n" "to define variables. In some rare cases you may need\n" "scm_module_ensure_local_variable."); else scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("scm_sym2var is deprecated. Use scm_module_variable to look up\n" "variables."); if (SCM_NIMP (proc)) { if (SCM_EVAL_CLOSURE_P (proc)) { /* Bypass evaluator in the standard case. */ var = scm_eval_closure_lookup (proc, sym, definep); } else var = scm_call_2 (proc, sym, definep); } else { if (scm_is_false (definep)) var = scm_module_variable (scm_the_root_module (), sym); else var = scm_module_ensure_local_variable (scm_the_root_module (), sym); } if (scm_is_true (var) && !SCM_VARIABLEP (var)) SCM_MISC_ERROR ("~S is not bound to a variable", scm_list_1 (sym)); return var; } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM scm_lookup_closure_module (SCM proc) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("Eval closures are deprecated. See \"Accessing Modules From C\" in\n" "the manual, for replacements."); if (scm_is_false (proc)) return scm_the_root_module (); else if (SCM_EVAL_CLOSURE_P (proc)) return SCM_PACK (SCM_SMOB_DATA (proc)); else /* FIXME: The `module' property is no longer set on eval closures, as it introduced a circular reference that precludes garbage collection of modules with the current weak hash table semantics (see http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guile-devel/2009-01/msg00102.html and http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.programming.garbage-collection.boehmgc/2465 for details). Since it doesn't appear to be used (only in this function, which has 1 caller), we no longer extend `set-module-eval-closure!' to set the `module' property. */ abort (); } SCM scm_module_lookup_closure (SCM module) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("Eval closures are deprecated. See \"Accessing Modules From C\" in\n" "the manual, for replacements."); if (scm_is_false (module)) return SCM_BOOL_F; else return SCM_MODULE_EVAL_CLOSURE (module); } SCM scm_current_module_lookup_closure () { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("Eval closures are deprecated. See \"Accessing Modules From C\" in\n" "the manual, for replacements."); if (scm_module_system_booted_p) return scm_module_lookup_closure (scm_current_module ()); else return SCM_BOOL_F; } scm_t_bits scm_tc16_eval_closure; #define SCM_F_EVAL_CLOSURE_INTERFACE (1<<0) #define SCM_EVAL_CLOSURE_INTERFACE_P(e) \ (SCM_SMOB_FLAGS (e) & SCM_F_EVAL_CLOSURE_INTERFACE) /* NOTE: This function may be called by a smob application or from another C function directly. */ SCM scm_eval_closure_lookup (SCM eclo, SCM sym, SCM definep) { SCM module = SCM_PACK (SCM_SMOB_DATA (eclo)); scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("Eval closures are deprecated. See \"Accessing Modules From C\" in\n" "the manual, for replacements."); if (scm_is_true (definep)) { if (SCM_EVAL_CLOSURE_INTERFACE_P (eclo)) return SCM_BOOL_F; return scm_module_ensure_local_variable (module, sym); } else return scm_module_variable (module, sym); } SCM_DEFINE (scm_standard_eval_closure, "standard-eval-closure", 1, 0, 0, (SCM module), "Return an eval closure for the module @var{module}.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_standard_eval_closure { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("Eval closures are deprecated. See \"Accessing Modules From C\" in\n" "the manual, for replacements."); SCM_RETURN_NEWSMOB (scm_tc16_eval_closure, SCM_UNPACK (module)); } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM_DEFINE (scm_standard_interface_eval_closure, "standard-interface-eval-closure", 1, 0, 0, (SCM module), "Return a interface eval closure for the module @var{module}. " "Such a closure does not allow new bindings to be added.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_standard_interface_eval_closure { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("Eval closures are deprecated. See \"Accessing Modules From C\" in\n" "the manual, for replacements."); SCM_RETURN_NEWSMOB (scm_tc16_eval_closure | (SCM_F_EVAL_CLOSURE_INTERFACE<<16), SCM_UNPACK (module)); } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM_DEFINE (scm_eval_closure_module, "eval-closure-module", 1, 0, 0, (SCM eval_closure), "Return the module associated with this eval closure.") /* the idea is that eval closures are really not the way to do things, they're superfluous given our module system. this function lets mmacros migrate away from eval closures. */ #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_eval_closure_module { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("Eval closures are deprecated. See \"Accessing Modules From C\" in\n" "the manual, for replacements."); SCM_MAKE_VALIDATE_MSG (SCM_ARG1, eval_closure, EVAL_CLOSURE_P, "eval-closure"); return SCM_SMOB_OBJECT (eval_closure); } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM_DEFINE (scm_struct_vtable_tag, "struct-vtable-tag", 1, 0, 0, (SCM handle), "Return the vtable tag of the structure @var{handle}.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_struct_vtable_tag { SCM_VALIDATE_VTABLE (1, handle); scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("struct-vtable-tag is deprecated. What were you doing with it anyway?"); return scm_from_unsigned_integer (((scm_t_bits)SCM_STRUCT_DATA (handle)) >> 3); } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM_DEFINE (scm_generalized_vector_p, "generalized-vector?", 1, 0, 0, (SCM obj), "Return @code{#t} if @var{obj} is a vector, string,\n" "bitvector, or uniform numeric vector.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_generalized_vector_p { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("generalized-vector? is deprecated. Use array? and check the " "array-rank instead."); return scm_from_bool (scm_is_generalized_vector (obj)); } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM_DEFINE (scm_generalized_vector_length, "generalized-vector-length", 1, 0, 0, (SCM v), "Return the length of the generalized vector @var{v}.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_generalized_vector_length { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("generalized-vector-length is deprecated. Use array-length instead."); return scm_from_size_t (scm_c_generalized_vector_length (v)); } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM_DEFINE (scm_generalized_vector_ref, "generalized-vector-ref", 2, 0, 0, (SCM v, SCM idx), "Return the element at index @var{idx} of the\n" "generalized vector @var{v}.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_generalized_vector_ref { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("generalized-vector-ref is deprecated. Use array-ref instead."); return scm_c_generalized_vector_ref (v, scm_to_size_t (idx)); } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM_DEFINE (scm_generalized_vector_set_x, "generalized-vector-set!", 3, 0, 0, (SCM v, SCM idx, SCM val), "Set the element at index @var{idx} of the\n" "generalized vector @var{v} to @var{val}.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_generalized_vector_set_x { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("generalized-vector-set! is deprecated. Use array-set! instead. " "Note the change in argument order!"); scm_c_generalized_vector_set_x (v, scm_to_size_t (idx), val); return SCM_UNSPECIFIED; } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM_DEFINE (scm_generalized_vector_to_list, "generalized-vector->list", 1, 0, 0, (SCM v), "Return a new list whose elements are the elements of the\n" "generalized vector @var{v}.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_generalized_vector_to_list { /* FIXME: This duplicates `array_to_list'. */ SCM ret = SCM_EOL; long inc; ssize_t pos, i; scm_t_array_handle h; scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("generalized-vector->list is deprecated. Use array->list instead."); scm_generalized_vector_get_handle (v, &h); i = h.dims[0].ubnd - h.dims[0].lbnd + 1; inc = h.dims[0].inc; pos = (i - 1) * inc; for (; i > 0; i--, pos -= inc) ret = scm_cons (h.impl->vref (&h, h.base + pos), ret); scm_array_handle_release (&h); return ret; } #undef FUNC_NAME extern SCM scm_c_program_source (SCM program, size_t ip) { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("scm_c_program_source is deprecated. Use scm_program_source instead."); return scm_program_source (program, scm_from_size_t (ip), SCM_UNBOUND); } SCM_DEFINE (scm_gc_live_object_stats, "gc-live-object-stats", 0, 0, 0, (), "Return an alist of statistics of the current live objects. ") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_gc_live_object_stats { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("gc-live-object-stats is deprecated. There is no replacement,\n" "unfortunately."); return SCM_EOL; } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM_DEFINE (scm_htons, "htons", 1, 0, 0, (SCM value), "Convert a 16 bit quantity from host to network byte ordering.\n" "@var{value} is packed into 2 bytes, which are then converted\n" "and returned as a new integer.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_htons { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("htons is deprecated. Use bytevector-u16-set! and bytevector-u16-ref " "with big endianness."); return scm_from_ushort (htons (scm_to_ushort (value))); } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM_DEFINE (scm_ntohs, "ntohs", 1, 0, 0, (SCM value), "Convert a 16 bit quantity from network to host byte ordering.\n" "@var{value} is packed into 2 bytes, which are then converted\n" "and returned as a new integer.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_ntohs { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("ntohs is deprecated. Use bytevector-u16-set! and bytevector-u16-ref " "with big endianness."); return scm_from_ushort (ntohs (scm_to_ushort (value))); } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM_DEFINE (scm_htonl, "htonl", 1, 0, 0, (SCM value), "Convert a 32 bit quantity from host to network byte ordering.\n" "@var{value} is packed into 4 bytes, which are then converted\n" "and returned as a new integer.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_htonl { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("htonl is deprecated. Use bytevector-u32-set! and bytevector-u32-ref " "with big endianness."); return scm_from_ulong (htonl (scm_to_uint32 (value))); } #undef FUNC_NAME SCM_DEFINE (scm_ntohl, "ntohl", 1, 0, 0, (SCM value), "Convert a 32 bit quantity from network to host byte ordering.\n" "@var{value} is packed into 4 bytes, which are then converted\n" "and returned as a new integer.") #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_ntohl { scm_c_issue_deprecation_warning ("ntohl is deprecated. Use bytevector-u32-set! and bytevector-u32-ref " "with big endianness."); return scm_from_ulong (ntohl (scm_to_uint32 (value))); } #undef FUNC_NAME void scm_i_init_deprecated () { properties_whash = scm_make_weak_key_hash_table (SCM_UNDEFINED); scm_struct_table = scm_make_hash_table (SCM_UNDEFINED); scm_tc16_eval_closure = scm_make_smob_type ("eval-closure", 0); scm_set_smob_apply (scm_tc16_eval_closure, scm_eval_closure_lookup, 2, 0, 0); #include "libguile/deprecated.x" } #endif