2002-04-27 Added direct rendering for iso10646 encoded bdf font files for platforms that do not have X11. Added bitpoints to SCanvas to avoid performance problems. 2002-04-26 Made direct rendering support for unifont.hex - it is just like another font in the list. It is good where there is not native font available. 2002-04-25 Changed locale name cz to zh this is the ISO 639 official code. Added map file for wadalab-gothic.ttf:shift-jis. Redefined SHORT -> SD_SHORT e.t.c in TTF modules because of clashes. Fixed broken font support in SFontTTF.cpp (watch both delta and glyphmap) 2002-04-24 Added cmap type 2 support for locally encoded fonts. Added Xlib Composing key support through x-utf-8:locales. 2002-04-22 Changed SGEngine.ttf/SGEngine.h to use nonzero winding rule for polygon fills. Fixed coredump problem on wada.ttf. 2002-04-19 Removed fallback XUtf8LookupStirng that was borrowed from xterm - could not make it work stand-alone (neede a lot of other things from xterm) - now using ascii fallback. Compile check on PowerBook 2400: TTF rendering bug fixed. 2002-04-16 Added JIS X 0213 to Hiragana.hwd and Katakana.hwd handwriting data. 2002-04-15 Added Japanese translation fixes from Jun P.FURUSE 2002-04-12 Updated for version 1.1 of JISX0213-1.TXT. Added x-input methods. 2002-04-11 Took Juliusz Chroboczek's XUtf8LookupStirng code from xterm. richard.tebb@convergys.com helped me find a bug with debugging through email. Cleaning swindow/SFontImpl.cpp. Adding XIM (half done) 2002-04-10 1.0 JISX0213 updates. use alias shift-jis-3 for Shift_JISX0213. Updated HOWTO-japanese according to shift-jis-3 alias. As there was not change in FAQ.TXT since 2.5 I modified 2.5 to 2.6 in all FAQ file translations. 2002-04-08 Updated doc/HOWTO-Japanese.txt. ksx-1001.my ksc-5601-r ksc-5601-l up-to-date. jis-0201.my jis-0208.my jis-0212.my - checked - using old one new: gb-gb-18030.my jis0213-1.my jis0213-2.my big-5.my gb-2312-l.my ksc-5601-l.my - supposed to be no change. Added shift-jis-3,euc-jp-3,iso-2022-jp-3 text converters. shift-jis-0213 is also an encoder/decoder map so it can be used as font map too. The official name of shift-jis-3 is Shift_JISX0213 and euc-jp-3 should be EUC-JISX0213. I just could not type these in. 2002-04-07 Built JIS0201.TXT JIS0212.TXT JIS0208.TXT Got JOHAB.TXT KSX1001.TXT KSC5601.TXT Build integrity chack needed for BIG5.TXT GB2312.TXT Need to type in: JIS0213-1.TXT JIS0213-2.TXT 2002-04-06 Retired ksc-5601-old.my Use: ksc-1001.my instead. 2002-04-04 Finished surrogate changes. See changes in man uniconv: o utf-16 o utf-16-le o utf-16-be o utf-8 o utf-8-s o java o java-s o utf-7 No visible surrogates execpt when using java-s, utf-8-s or cut&paste. 2002-04-03 Hacked surrogates into Yudit (Gaspar). Changed: o gui/SMessageBar.cpp o stoolkit/SCluster.cpp o swindow/SFontTTF.cpp - cmap table format 12 added Need composing support on clusters, and then we can move everything into clusters, as opposed to having everything in SGlyph. Added OldItalic experimental Plane 1 kmap o bin/olditalic.pl o mytool/mys/OldItalic.mys - produces UCS4 You can test plane1 with code2001.ttf. As code2001.ttf seems to have RL glyphs for OldItalic you need to specify code2001.ttf:unicode:RL in yudit.properties to get proper software glyph mirroring in both directions. (Added Old Italic to SFont.cpp) 2002-03-20 o Unicode 3.2 addition to shape.mys FDFC -> 0631 06CC 0627 0644 o Unicode 3.2 additions in mirroring.txt. o Unicode 3.2 additions to precompose.mys: 2ADC -> 2ADD 0338 <-> 2ADD 0338 -> 2ADC o Unicode 3.2 additions (mainly control characters): iso-8859-9.my iso-8859-8.my iso-8859-7.my iso-8859-6.my iso-8859-5.my iso-8859-4.my iso-8859-3.my iso-8859-2.my iso-8859-1.my iso-8859-16.my iso-8859-15.my cp-1251.my cp-1250.my 2002-03-27 o added patch1 - tcvn o added patch2 - Home-End o added patch3 - gb-18030 encoding o added SIO truncate o added addon: yudit-FAQ-Bulgarian-UTF-8.txt FAQ-2.5.4.es.TXT yudit-2.5.4-bg-messages.po Klingon.kmap yudit-2.5.4.es.po o got rid of loaded and saved messages on console ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Older changes are in history/CHANGELOG-2.5.4.TXT