2002-11-21 o added document embedding to SUndo. o fallbackfont now does not have any descender now this should result in better box drawing with fonts with zero descent. o created a Box virtual font in default config for box drawing. o update embedding after undo/redo. o updated test pages o made a least-impact change on left-right cursor movement column storage. o code frozen for 2.7 at yudit-2.7.beta35. 2002-11-20 o updated doc/HOWTO-bidi.txt o renamed ArmenianEastEky.kmap to ArmenianEastPhon.kmap o fixed another line redrawing problem with expanding lines o added a bug report o created beta28 for windows. o Fixed a potential core dump bug in redo+STextData::remove o set 700x480 for default size. o Created http:://www.yudit.org/bidi and put it in doc/bidi o Received and added MadeWithYudit.png contibution: doc/bidi/images o Added patch to add Lao and Thai clusters from Miikka-Markus Alhonen o Added ZWSP U+200B support. o Setmodified added for embedding. 2002-11-19 o Added still unfinished LaoLRT.kmap. o Fixed another scrolling problem o Slider scrolling now moves cursor. o fixed file fitler problem o added HOWTO-bidi.txt patches o Updated HOWTO-bidi.txt with one more problem. o Updated messages.po from Pawel Zawila-Niedzwiecki o Added LAO to mytool/uni/indic.txt o Added THAI,LAO,TIBETAN to stoolkit/SCluster.cpp: getSouthIndicCluster(); o Added findSouthIndicGlyphs to swindow/SFontTTF.cpp so that it updates the positions 2002-11-18 o Added a few fixels more to redrawing to draw nicer diacritics o Fixed a minor scrolling problem o Composing updates now glyph info o Fixed annoying problem with cut&paste from keyboard. 2002-11-17 o added ArmenianEastKey.kmap from S.Hakim Hamdani o simplified setCaretVisibleVertical o FAQ.TXT.in minor changes o fixed glyph info core o Made SFontTTF::getOTFMarkToBase chunk for GPOS. o SFontOTF.cpp: SFontTTF::getOTFLigature should not this: /* process ligatures anyway */ if (tag==SString("liga")) be /* process ligatures anyway */ else if (tag==SString("liga")) Well, I modified it... Lets see what happens. o Added OpenType GPOS support for composing characters. needs a bit of tuning.... o Fixed a bug in GPOS and tested Lao rendering. 2002-11-16 o Totally forgot about BN. Now I added (in fact removed) it to bidi. o Added Inuktitut-ICI.kmap Inuktitut-KBD.kmap Chinese-Pinyin.kmap Chinese-WB.kmap from "Johnson, Howard" o Added extra glyph info about keystrokes requested by Howard Johnson. o Fixed bug - reset embedding before segment separator. o Updated NEWS and doc/HOWTO-bidi.txt. o Taking care of embedded find/replace 2002-11-15 o added tabulation control o ran tests. o added fix for IRIX (no int in sighandler) o added doc/notinstalled/biditest.txt o Fixed a possible security hole in implicit bidi. o Fixed FAQ.TXT.in which claimed version is 2.6.4 and deleted shaping support - it is already doing shaping. 2002-11-14 o made text endselect before startselect o Seems interxim wont work without XSetICValues (xic , XNFilterEvents , &xim_ev_mask , NULL); and ....XUtf8LookupString... if (cnt == 0 && (key & 0xFF000000) == 0x01000000) { SV_UCS4 ucs4; ucs4.append ((SS_UCS4)(key & 0x0ffffff)); SEncoder enc ("utf-8-s"); s = enc.encode (ucs4); status_return = 0; } but even now interxim keys are received in reverse order. o Added Devanagari translations (Anirban) o Added Spanish FAQ (Juan) o synced doc/FAX.TXT with FAQ.TXT o made ctrl y to work in text fields o Minor modifications to bidi: resret space to embedding level even for lines without a lineending (currently edited line) o Fixed horizontal scrolling in text fields. o Added one more small change to WhiteSpace handling. o Updated HOWTO-arabic.txt - very simplistic, needs revisions. o Fixed paste problem with LS o Added FAQ.TXT.in Raphael Finkel o Updated HOWTO-bidi.txt 2002-11-13 o Trying to add FAQ.TXT.in for doc/es - unresolved issues o Added gui/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po o Added fallback to root style for XIM if no overthespot is available. o fixed a cursor positioning problem o Fixed embedding arrows problem o Fixed label bidi problem o Cleaned up messages.po (encoding and charset) o Fixed paragraph directionality change redrawing problem. o resurrected selecting with arrow ctrl, made minor changes to selection 2002-11-12 o Fixed more redrawing problems. o Updated gui/locale/yi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po (Raphael Finkel ) o Added ZWJ ZWNJ RLM LRM as a visible glyph when editing. o Fixed one more redrawing problem. o Fixed cursor positioning bug when window is resized. o Updated IS_RM.mys from Anirban Mitra" o Made embedding fading available only in editing window, but not in labels o Fixed PS problem in files. o Solved label size bug. o Fixed Yield embedding on multiple lines. o Fixed cusror bugs. o Updated HOWTO-bidi.txt 2002-11-11 o Fixed a bug when newline is pressed in an embedding. o Updated doc/Yudit-bidi.txt o Updated highlight colours for embedded text. o Fixed some redrawing problems o Fixed Yield embedding on multiple lines - go to beginning of it. o Yielded RLO on TestPage.txt, Inserted LREs in titles. o Fixed slider overrun bug on font change o FIxed one more stubborn redrawing bug. o Added a bit more comments to Yudit-bidi.txt o find still has some redrawing problem but it works now. o Added setdocument embedding to SUniPrint.cpp 2002-11-10 o added shaded background for embedded characters. o fixed undo bug when selcted text is replaced with another text o fixe one bug in implicit bidi. 2002-11-09 o fixed a serious bug in SEmbedState. o I did not put int implicit directionality yet still I fixed a *lot* of bugs , explicit directionality should work now. o made Yield embedding work and made it very difficult to make bad embed constructs. o Only one work left: SBiDi.cpp: resovling weak and neutral. o Implicit BiDi is in place - some bugs are around. o Finally there are only bugs - no more features are planned for bidi. 2002-11-07 o Made glyph info work. o input mostly works. o FIxed shaping 2002-11-06 o cleaning. cursor positioning still needs fixing. o positioning mostly works. o cursor movement works now. 2002-11-05 o Added Sanskrit.kmap from Yves Codet o Added Polish menu translations from Pawel Zawila-Niedzwiecki o Rewrote doc/Yudit-bidi.txt for the new version o Reorganized updates. o improved selection o made toLogical(). Need to make better redrawing of changes, selections. o fixed a few bugs (selection, events) o Problems are exepected in SYuditInput - cursor changes. 2002-11-02 o Added nicer search o fixed mouse selection problem o fixed a few bugs o Added Yield embedding to go up one embedding level. 2002-10-30 o Added document embedding. o Optimized speed (not expanding unshown glyphs in Sparagraph) o Added new embedding change button. o removed shape encoder (it was not working well anyway) 2002-10-29 o Made better position for BiDi in STextView.cpp o Added a set embedding button: This will set the document embedding or if there is selected text, set the embedding of the selected text. 2002-10-26 o modified Bengali kmap o added persian kmap from Roozbeh Pournader 2002-10-25 o added cursor control for lr rl mixed documents 2002-10-24 o Created a better escape mechanism for illegal sequences (utf-8 only) o Added a new translation: Incomplete Last Line o removed last dependecny in SYuditInput.cpp: on STextData::insertGlyph ready to clean up STextData. 2002-10-22 o Revised redrawing code in STextView.cpp. 2002-10-20 o replaced category.txt (bin/generalCategory.pl) with a more compact and plane1 compatible category.mys and bin/category.pl o category became charclass o make a function: getCharClass (); to get the category efficiently. o added function getBiDiClass(); o added function getMirroredCharacter(); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Older changes are in history/CHANGELOG-2.6.4.TXT