2007-12-21 - Added spell checking support for rovasiras (Hungarian Runes) - Prepared 2.9.0 release. 2007-12-15 - Added change to SHunspellPattern.cpp so that it compiles with g++ 2.96 - Added -ldl detection to configure.in - Added dylib is loaded now for __APPLE__ - Added -size parameter for printing from editor. - Added German from Mike Fabian 2007-12-14 - When printing from Editor window now prints only selected text if text is selected. - added canWrap to SGlyph.cpp so that STextView should use this instead of isDelimiter to decide on word wrap. 2007-12-13 - beta33 2007-12-12 - More information on printing from Yudit. - Windows ghostgun directory change in wuditw.properties - changed yudit.editor.syntax.error.foreground to red - Translation progres in history/translations.txt 2007-12-11 - Changed Highlighting(__H__) to __H__igghligting in all po files. - Display current highlighting mode in tooltip instead of main window. - Fixed redrwawing problems with small descent font. 2007-12-10 - Keyboard shortcut pastes syntax command in the command area instead of bringing up the dialog now. - ERROR and NONE now preserves default foreground color of original text. ERROR underlines it with the error foreground. - Fixed syntax none - Translation progres in history/translations.txt 2007-12-09 - Fixed generating too many glyphs problem when printing with bitmap fonts in direct mode. 2007-12-08 - Current geometry is now saved in config file, if changed - Made syntax selection dialog box. - Reporting errors when files are missing in syntax selection box. 2007-12-07 - Commented out forceful gaining of focus in SX11Impl.cpp because this could cause an infinite loop when the window is mapped and none of FocusIn even occures and none of the windows are ours. - Increased stoolkit/syntax/SSyntax.h: #define SD_UNIT_WORK_COUNT 200 - Line Separator can be inserted with (it will be orange now) - Form Feed can be inserted with (orange) - Form feed now prints correctly on printer - Created new glyphs for FF and LS 2007-12-06 - Added experimental support for hunspell spelling checker. - Changed selected background to DeepSkyBlue4. - Moved syntax colors in properties. 2007-12-03 - Made a framework around "syntax" keyword that could help to integrate external spell-checkers into Yudit. 2007-12-02 - Fixed Freehand drawing in doublebuffer mode. - Embedded now also have proper colors. - syntax still does not work well. 2007-12-01 - Updated swindow/swin32 to do double buffering for flickerless rendering. You can switch off double buffering with the command line switch via -ndb for both Unix/Linux and Windows. - added doc/HOWTO-build.txt 2007-11-30 - Creating double buffer only when rendering. - Changed installed to install mytool files in chunks 2007-11-29 - Added double buffering to avoid flicker -ndb command line option switches off double buffering in editor window 2007-11-28 - Updated install.sh from /usr/share/automake-1.9/ 2007-11-27 - Added stub that can be used for syntax highlighting in stoolkit/SSyntax.cpp and defined xml and properties highlight type gui/SYudit.cpp. This is still not ready, but the framework works so I though I might just add it. - Added timer to have a time-window to collect more keypress events and accumulate STextDataEvents. This will give time for the SSyntax.cpp to work on the highlighting. 2007-11-25 - Modified simple color highlighting to distinguish only Letters, Numbers and Others - Modified STextData to return size() == 1 if it is empty, because this makes more sense. 2007-11-23 - Give a more meaningful error message if DISPLAY is wrong. 2007-11-14 - Updated SGML.kmap 2007-11-08 - Added cp-1252.txt from John Wehle - Fixed SXInputMethod.cpp XGetWindowProperty to use unsigned char - Fixed SX11Impl.cpp XGetWindowProperty to use unsigned char 2007-10-28 - changed Hangul.mys so that Yi can be typed not only as Ei 'w 'i -> 0214 'W 'i -> 0214 to 'y 'i -> 0214 'Y 'i -> 0214 Changed 'E 'u 'i to 'Y 'i C759 -> 'E 'u 'i 'g C75A -> 'E 'u 'i 'g 'g ... 2007-07-22 - Fixed setlocale bug. - fixed SCIM input method in yudit.properties.in 2007-07-20 - Added Bulgarian-Translit.kmap keyboard map from Alex Izvorski aizvorski/gmail.com 2006-09-27 - Added Simplified Chinese (zh_CN) gui translations from John: vunzndi/vfemail.net, translated by Zhou Jinnian: zhoujinnian168/yahoo.com 2006-09-23 - Fixed syriac shaping bug in SFontTTF::substituteOTFGlyph. Now Syriac should work again with truetype otf fonts. 2006-09-07 - Capital letters have been added to Pali.kmap. 2006-08-26 - Added SCIM to default yudit.properties.in: yudit.editor.xinputs=SCIM,... - Fixed compiler warnings with gcc 4.1.0 2006-08-29 - Added Pali.kmap (original pali.kmap) from jon bressie box100/prodigy.net ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Older changes are in history/CHANGELOG-2.8.1.TXT